Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Willm Reserve Riesling `07 $11.99 ***

I bought this as a safety wine. It was a safe bet! Good price, nice crisp apple taste, low ETOH (12%). It paired well with our dinner of Stella's Southern Bistro Signature Shrimp and Grits. After having them at Monticello in July at the Wine Bloggers' Conference, I have become obsessed with Shrimp and Grits. Since I am attending Greenville, South Carolina's euphoria from 9/22 - 25, it is all things Southern this summer. Well, except for this wine. This Riesling is from Northeastern France, Alsace AOC.

Bone dry with a hint of lime, this crisp, chilled white wine was an excellent foil for our Shrimp and Grits. I was given the recipe by one of euphoria's organizers, and the highlight of my day was making it. (of course, in true Yankee style, I cut the butter and cream in half) Even so, it was delicious, and I can't wait to go to Greenville and try the real thing. (lipitor in hand)

This Riesling was perfect with the buttery shrimp, the hint of Cajun spice in the ragout and the creaminess of the grits. It is safe, delicious and a excellent match for a rich seafood dish.

Originally, I had wanted to serve this dish with a Virginia Viognier, but I was stupid when I was visiting Breaux Vineyards last month, and didn't buy any.

Thank you Willm Reserve Riesling for saving the day.

And just so you can see the inspiration for my newly found shrimp and grits obsession, I give you Keswick Hall's Shrimp & Grits with Fresh Corn. I had it at Monticello with a Vidal Blanc, and I am dreaming of it still.

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