Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Forte Canto Primitivo `04 IGT (not TJ's) $12.99 ****

Wednesday night WOW.  I needed to scrape together some nibbles and some wine on short notice.  (30 mins) yeah, like I get it that you are worried about me, but really.... I'm kind of joking, I have the best friends in the whole wide world, and I am always happy when I get a call saying "I'm coming over" (for the record, he brought coffee Haagen-Daz - if you love me, bring ice cream).

Meanwhile, my larder is BARE.  And it is freezing outside...

I went with bacon (the last of the infamous 16# from Benton's), onion, & cheese broiled on wasa bread, mixed nuts and this Primitivo. (Really, the alternative was ramen... did I mention I am moving?)

When I opened this wine, I smiled at the black cork.  I've never seen one before.  The wine has a lovely rich woody, cherry smell, with a clearing menthol(ish) smell, it is an odd combination, but the only way I can explain it.  Fresh yet rich - cherry like. First sip, good.

After the Vinturi:  smooth and lovely.  For $13.00 this is a good one for a Sunday pot roast dinner, or grilled steak, or anything really meaty that needs a fruity highlight (maybe BBQ? Now that would be a treat).

I'll give it four stars, it came through for me tonight when I had nothing else to offer, and it was too cold to run down to the liquor store.

The importance of reading labels - I have learned that labels don't always guarantee a good wine BUT, if you go with some of the labeling, you can up your chances if buying a decent bottle - so far reading the label has worked for me! This is an IGT wine:


In 1992, the Italian government adopted Law No. 164, which modified and expanded the DOC system. Among the law's most sweeping innovations was the introduction of the Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT) category. By the end of 2002, the National DOC Wine Committee had recognized about 200 IGT classifications (see list). The IGT opened up new paths for winemakers who wanted to venture outside the relatively strict confines of the DOC and DOCG categories without, however, making concessions on the level of quality.

The IGT regulations require use of authorized varieties and most of the production codes adopted to date provide for the use of one type alone or in a ratio of at least 85% to other approved grapes.

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