Saturday, January 2, 2010

Aerators: Soiree vs. Vinturi Round Two

This was a no brainer.  I came home after a great morning in Soho @ the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex after seeing the John Lennon Exhibit, and popped a good bottle of Chianti to review and have with a late lunch.

Hands down, the Vinturi wins for its design and functionality.  It took me 2 seconds to pour the wine through the Vinturi.  When I went to decant with the Soiree, the flange was stuck to the glass bulb, it took me some frustrating minutes to take if off and clean off the stuck plastic from the flange, then changed the flange, then inserted it in the bottle, (Still not comfortable with turning a full bottle of wine 180 degrees to pour)

The Vinturi is easy to use, it is one piece, and you clean it by just flushing water through it.  Hands down, the winner.


  1. OK, I'm sold! Thanks so much for doing the tests and blogging your results. Here's to a new year full of great tasting, inexpensive wine from TJ's.

  2. You don't even comment on their job. Just on their functionality.

    Was the wine fuller? did it taste better? This, to me, seems like just a decision made by looks.

  3. Hi Anonymous,

    I can see how it can be confusing. This post was round TWO of the head to head comparison. They both do the job quite well, and they aerate the wine. For me, it was the functionality that finally swayed me. You can read about the first comparison here:

    This is what I said:
    The verdict?

    Part One: 2005 Chianti (I'll review this wine in another post)

    Well, in the name of experimentation, I'll keep trying ; ). But for the first pour, I have to say that the Vinturi made the wine a lot smoother.


    Day Two: At lunch, there was still a part of the bottle left, and I tried both again. The trick with the Soiree is to hold the bottle completely upright as you pour - which for me is a scary proposition, but so far so good, the Soiree held securely in the bottle. The day after, I have to say that the Soiree held its own against the Vinturi.
