It is a beautiful, sunny Spring day. After a morning of raking, cleaning and pruning, I am going to cook lunch that we are going to eat in the garden.
To have with Slow Paseo, I am going to attempt to recreate the Chorizo Chickpea Chili. In the spirit of Spain, after lunch we are going to come inside and watch Vicky Christina Barcelona. I may even make some bacon parmesean popcorn for the movie - I just got a shipment of bacon from Benton's . All in all, a good Sunday.
Mesclune with walnuts, grapes and goat cheese with a balsamic dressing
Chorizo Chickpea Chili
French Bread
Lemon Tart
First sip while cooking. This is a very sharp, almost harsh wine. It makes my tongue furry. Which were it not for my Vinturi experiment - I would just stop drinking and turn this into a Sangria. But, I will throw the balance of this wine into tomorrow's Beef Stew, and try to see if the vinturi mellows it. The Vinturi makes it less sharp, maybe it is like drinking a puree of blackberries that haven't quite fully ripened, with a hint of sour cherries. For $6.99, not worth it. Served with a flavorful food, the wine was just ok. It held up, but no one is going to be running out to buy it. This is like Two Buck Chuck's richer uncle. Ok, but still rough around the edges at parties, with a little bit of flash - that ends up being a fake Rolex and a rented Lincoln. The vinturi did make it better - but still not worth it.
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