Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pierre Sparr Riesling 2006 $9.99 ***

I'm serving this with Sunday late lunch. After a lot of thought and pulling countless cookbooks off the shelf, I've declared it a roasting day.

Menu: Warm spinach salad with bacon; roast chicken; roasted green beans in balsamic glaze; and mashed Maine potatoes with caramelized onions and speck (gotta have something Alsatian with Riesling) this is not a low calorie lunch, and Tom requested gravy.

I'm going to suggest that after the dishes are done, we all go for a long walk before coffee and dessert (I made an apple pie). Somehow, I don't think that a walk will be very popular.

Oh well, I am off to cook and will follow up with how the wine went down.

Surprise! - screw top. I served it well chilled. It is a crisp - almost sour wine. With the Spinach Salad, not so good but the wine with the mashed potatoes I saw some happy faces. Actually, putting slivers of meat in mashed potatoes is decadent, but there are no leftovers (well, I saved a slice of pie for breakfast) and the wine was polished off pretty quickly. All-in-all a success. Tom & Nancy brought me even more wine (a hint to cook more?) It was a nice afternoon - all built around a bottle of wine from Trader Joe's.

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